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日期:2024年03月12日 09:10来源: 作者: 关注:



联系电话: 13523917737







2000.09-2004.07 山东农业大学 信息与计算科学 理学学士

2004.09-2010.05 大连理工大学 应用数学       理学博士


2010.05-2023.01 河南理工大学数学与信息科学学院 教师

2023.02-至今    东北大学秦皇岛分校数学与统计学院 教师


美国数学会《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews) 评论员



1.        河北省自然科学基金面上项目,A2023501008,主持

2.        国家自然科学基金面上项目,12371232,第一参与人


1.        国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,11201124,主持

2.        国家自然科学基金数学天元青年基金项目,11126119,主持

3.        河南省高等学校青年骨干教师资助计划项目,2015GGJS-070,主持

4.        河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目,12A110008,主持


1.        河南省自然科学奖三等奖

2.        河南省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖1项、二等奖2


在《Mathematische Zeitschrift》、《Journal of Differential Equations》、《Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A-Mathematics》、《Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics》、《Pacific Journal of Mathematics》、《Journal of Mathematical Physics》等国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文46篇,其中SCI检索论文41篇。


1.        Haifeng Shang, Large time behavior for the Hall-MHD equations with horizontal dissipation, J. Math. Phys., 65 (3) (2024), Article 031504.

2.        Haifeng Shang, Jiahong Wu, Qian Zhang, Stability and optimal decay for the 3D magnetohydrodynamic equations with only horizontal dissipation, J. Evol. Equ., 24 (1) (2024), Article 12.

3.        Haifeng Shang, Optimal decay rates for n-dimensional generalized magnetohydrodynamic equations, J. Math. Fluid Mech., 25 (3) (2023), Article 48.

4.        Haifeng Shang, Daoguo Zhou, Optimal decay for the 2D anisotropic Navier-Stokes equations with mixed partial dissipation, Appl. Math. Lett., 144 (2023), Article 108696.

5.        Lihua Deng, Haifeng Shang, Global regularity for the micropolar Rayleigh-Bénard problem with only velocity dissipation, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 152 (5) (2022), 1109-1138.

6.        Haifeng Shang, Jiahong Wu, Global regularity for 2D fractional magneto-micropolar equations, Math. Z., 297 (2021), 775-802.

7.        Haifeng Shang, Global regularity results for the 2D magnetic Bénard problem with fractional dissipation, J. Math. Fluid Mech., 21 (3) (2019), Article 39.

8.        Daoguo Zhou, Zilai Li, Haifeng Shang, Jiahong Wu, Baoquan Yuan, Jiefeng Zhao, Global well-posedness for the 2D fractional Boussinesq Equations in the subcritical case, Pacific J. Math., 298 (1) (2019), 233-255.

9.        Ming Li, Haifeng Shang, Large time decay of solutions for the 3D magneto-micropolar equations, Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl., 44 (2018), 479-496.

10.    Haifeng Shang, Jiefeng Zhao, Global regularity for 2D magneto-micropolar equations with only micro-rotational velocity dissipation and magnetic diffusion, Nonlinear Anal., 150 (2017), 194-209.

11.    Jingna Li, Haifeng Shang, Jiahong Wu, Xiaojing Xu, Zhuan Ye, Regularity criteria for the 2D Boussinesq equations with supercritical dissipation, Commun. Math. Sci., 14 (2016), 1999-2022.

12.    Dhanapati Adhikari, Chongsheng Cao, Haifeng Shang, Jiahong Wu, Xiaojing Xu, Zhuan Ye, Global regularity results for the 2D Boussinesq equations with partial dissipation, J. Differential Equations, 260 (2) (2016), 1893-1917.

13.    Haifeng Shang, Cauchy problem for nonlinear parabolic equations with a gradient term, J. Differential Equations, 257 (8) (2014), 2801-2825.

14.    Haifeng Shang, Global existence and nonexistence for the degenerate and uniformly parabolic equations with gradient term, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 143 (3) (2013), 643-668.

15.    Haifeng Shang, Doubly nonlinear parabolic equations with measure data, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., 192 (2) (2013), 273-296.

16.    Haifeng Shang, Fengquan Li, On the Cauchy problem for the evolution p-Laplacian equations with gradient term and source and measures as initial data, Nonlinear Anal., 72 (7-8) (2010), 3396-3411.

17.    Haifeng Shang, Fengquan Li, Singular parabolic equations with measures as initial data, J. Differential Equations, 247 (6) (2009), 1720-1745.








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