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日期:2025年03月06日 16:21来源: 作者: 关注:

吕超,男,19855月,副教授,工学博士博士后博士生导师。东北大学航空动力装备振动及控制教育部重点实验室(秦皇 18F63岛),秦皇岛市复杂机械产品微纳制造与智能装配重点实验室,智能制造技术研究所,骨干核心成员。









2001.09-2005.07 东北大学,信息与计算科学专业,理学学士

2011.09-2013.07 东北大学有色金属冶金专业,工学硕士

2013.09-2017.07 东北大学有色金属冶金专业,工学博士










METALL MATER TRANS B, Physics of Fluids, Particuology, JOM, J ELECTROCHEM SOC, Rar Metal Mater Eng, Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, Front. Earth Sci.等国际SCI期刊审稿专家


1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(51904069

2. 主持河北省自然科学基金青年项目(E2019501085

3. 主持中央高校基本科研业务费种子项目(N2223026

4. 主持中央高校基本科研业务费项目(N172303012

5. 主持昆明理工大学省部共建国家重点实验室开放课题(CNMRCUKF2302

6. 主持矿物加工科学与技术全国重点实验室开放课题(BGRIMM-KJSKL-2025-01

7. 主持武汉科技大学教育部重点实验室开放课题(FMRU19-1

8. 主持河北省教育厅青年基金项目(QN2019312

9. 主持东北大学秦皇岛分校博士启动基金项目(XNY201808

10. 主持横向课题(钴离子螯合沉淀仿真技术开发)

11. 主持横向课题(矿浆电解过程算例测试分析及仿真计算)

12. 主持横向课题(横沥镇企业项目成果培育)

13. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目(51971058

14. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目(52071072

15. 参与国家863重点项目1

16. 参与国家科技支撑计划项目1

17. 参与国家自然科学基金项目2












1. Lv ChaoZhang Lu-LuWei Ning, et al.Numeral simulation of droplet evaporation-atomization under hot air flow, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering,2025, 65: 105671.SCI检索)

2. Lv ChaoChen Xu-XinZhou Tong, et al. Study on atomization effect of droplets in venturi reactor with different characteristic parameters, Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 85110.SCI检索)

3. Lv ChaoJi Zhao-XiangZhang Hai-Wei, et al. Anumerical investigation on the morphology evolution of compound droplets, Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 73618.SCI检索)

4. Lv ChaoLiu Yan-LongLi Guan-Nan, et al. Numeral simulation of solution mixing effect and product preparation effect in the process of preparing cerium oxide by microwave heating, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering,2024, 60: 104741.SCI检索)

5. Lv ChaoJi Zhao-XiangChen Jun-Feng, et al. Study on the influence of collision conditions on the surface morphology of compound droplets, Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 43618.SCI检索)

6. Lv ChaoZhang Hai-WeiYang Tao, et al. Effect of blade tilt angle on fluid flow characteristics in spray-blowing agitation composite process: a simulation,Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2024, 31(9): 2142-2155.SCI检索)

7. Lv ChaoJi Zhao-XiangYang Tao, et al. Numerical simulation of deformation and breakage of compound droplet in air flow,Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 23306.SCI检索)

8. Lv ChaoLiu Yan-LongYang Tao, et al. Effect of Microwave Heating on the Mixing Effect of Chlorinated Cerium Solution and the Preparation of Cerium Oxide, JOM, 2024,76(3): 1737-1745.SCI检索)

9. Lv Chao, Sun Ming-He, Chen Xu-Xin, et al. Simulation and analysis of atomization performance of a Venturi jet pyrolysis reactorMetallurgical and Materials Transactions B2023, 54(2): 807-822.SCI检索)

10. Lv Chao, Yin Hong-Xin, Liu Yan-Long, Chen Xu-Xin, Sun Ming-He, Zhao Hong-Liang. Preparation of Cerium Oxide via Microwave Heating: Research on Effect of Temperature Field on Particles, Crystals, 2022, 12(6): 843-852.SCI检索)

11. Lv Chao, Sun Ming-He, Yin Hong-Xin. The Effect of Pyrolysis Conditions on the Preparation of Fe2O3 Particles Using Simulated Pickling Liquor in a Venturi Reactor, Frontiers in Materials, 2021, 8: 733257-733263. SCI检索)

12. Lv Chao, Sun Ming-He, Yin Hong-Xin, Wang Zhen-Feng, Xia Tian-Yuan. Pyrolysis Preparation Process of CeO2 with the Addition of Citric Acid: A Fundamental Study, Crystals, 2021, 11: 912-922.

13. Lv C. Numerical Simulation on the Recovery Process of Acid Pickling Waste Liquor by Jet-Flow Pyrolysis, JOM, 2019, 71(12), 4944-4949. SCI检索)

14. Lv C, Zhang T A, Dou Z H, Zhao Q Y. Numerical simulation of preparation of ultrafine cerium oxides using jet-flow pyrolysis, Rare Metals, 2019, 38(12), 1160-1168. SCI检索)

15. Lv C, Xia T Y, Niu L P, Zhao Q Y, Wang W B. Numerical Simulation Study on the Preparation of Micro-Nanometer MgO Magnesium Oxide by Direct Pyrolysis of Molten MgCl2 Magnesium Chloride, Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, 2019, 60(5), 473-482. SCI检索)

16. Lv C, Zhang T A, Hao B. Simulation of the Scale-Up Process of a Venturi Jet Pyrolysis Reactor, Metals, 2019, 9(9), 979-987. SCI检索)

17. Lv Chao, Zhang Ting-An, Dou Zhi-He, et al. Simulation of Process and Reactor Structure Optimization for CeO2 Preparation from Jet-Flow Pyrolysis, JOM, 2019, 71(5), 1660-1666.SCI检索)

18. Lv Chao, Zhang Ting-An, Dou Zhi-He, et al. Numerical Simulations of Irregular CeO2 Particle Size Distributions, JOM, 2019, 71(1), 34-39.SCI检索)

19. Lv Chao, Zhao Qiu-Yue, Zhang Zi-Mu, et al. Numerical simulation of fluid dynamics in rare earth chloride solution in jet-flow pyrolysis reactor, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2015, 25(3):997-1003. SCI检索)

20. Lv Chao, Zhao Qiu-Yue, Zhang Zi-Mu, et al. Numerical simulation: preparation of La2O3 in a jet pyrolysis reactor, Rare Metals, 2015, 34(8):600-606. SCI检索)

21. Lv Chao , Zhang Zimu, Zhao Qiuyue, et al. Numerical simulation of flash vaporisation in alumina production. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 2016:1-7. SCI检索)

22. Lv Chao , Zhang Zimu, Zhao Qiuyue, et al. Numerical simulation of amplified oil-water separation in a three-stage double-stirring extraction tank. Journal of China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology, 2015, 17(4):121-126. SCI检索)







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