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日期:2024年04月12日 16:34来源: 作者: 关注:











2010.09-2014.06 河北工程大学,资源环境与城乡规划管理,理学学士

2014.09-2020.01 中国矿业大学(北京),环境科学,工学博士

2018.10-2019.10 密歇根理工大学(美国),联合培养



2020.01-今 东北大学秦皇岛分校,资源与材料学院,讲师











1. Wenhua Wang, Hui Zhou, Ruihe Lyu, Longyi Shao, Wenmiao Li, Jiaoping Xing, Zhe Zhao, Xian Li, Xiuyan Zhou, and Daizhou Zhang. Organic Carbon and Elemental Carbon in Two Dust Plumes at a Coastal City in North China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 2024,24(5):240002.

2. Wenhua Wang, Hui Zhou, Yutao Gao, Longyi Shao, Xiuyan Zhou, Xian Li, Dongqing Wei, Jiaoping Xing, and Ruihe Lyu. Chemical composition and morphology of PM2.5 in a rural valley during Chinese New Year's Eve: Impact of firework/firecracker display. Atmospheric Environment. 2024, 318, 120225.

3. Wenhua Wang, Longyi Shao, Xian Li, Yaowei Li, Ruihe Lyu, and Xiuyan Zhou. Changes of water-soluble inorganic sulfate and nitrate during severe dust storm episodes in a coastal city of North China. Environmental Pollution. 2023,335,122288.

4. Wenhua Wang, Yutao Gao, Longyi Shao, Chao Fan, Xian Li, Yaowei Li, Mengyao Liu, and Xiuyan Zhou. Chemical compositions and possible transportation of PM2.5 during two haze periods in a coastal city of the North China Plain. Geological Journal. 2023, 58(12), 4417-4427.

5. Wenhua Wang, Longyi Shao, Daizhou Zhang, Yaowei Li, Wenjun Li, Pengju Liu, and Jiaoping Xing. Mineralogical similarities and differences of dust storm particles at Beijing from deserts in the north and northwest. Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 803, 149980.

6. Wenhua Wang, Longyi Shao, Claudio Mazzoleni, Yaowei Li, Simone Kotthaus, Sue Grimmond, Janarjan Bhandari, Jiaoping Xing, Xiaolei Feng, Mengyuan Zhang, and Zongbo Shi. Measurement report: Comparison of wintertime individual particles at ground level and above the mixed layer in urban Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2021,21(7),5301–5314.

7. Wenhua Wang, Longyi Shao, Jie Li, Lingli Chang, Daizhou Zhang, Chenchong Zhang, Jingkun Jiang. Characteristics of individual particles emitted from an experimental burning chamber with the coal from lung cancer area of Xuanwei, China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 2019, 19(2): 355-363.

8. Wenhua Wang, Longyi Shao, Jiaoping Xing, Jie Li, Lingli Chang, and Wenjun Li. Physicochemical characteristics of individual aerosol particles during the 2015 China Victory Day Parade in Beijing. Atmosphere. 2018, 9(2):40.

9. Wenhua Wang, Longyi Shao, Menglong Guo, Cong Hou, Jiaoping XInf, and Fan Wu. Physicochemical properties of individual airborne particles in Beijing during pollution periods. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 2017, 17(12):3209-3219.

10.王文华, 邵龙义, 李泽熙, 郭茜, 侯聪, 幸娇萍, 赵承美. 2013 年1 月京津唐地区霾事件气溶胶单颗粒形貌及硫酸盐化特征[J]. 岩石矿物学杂志. 2015, 34(6):914-924 (中文核心)










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