2000.09-2004.06 中国海洋大学 数学科学学院
2004.09-2007.06 中国海洋大学 数学科学学院
2012.09-2015.09 中国海洋大学 海洋生命学院
2007.08-2012.08 燕山大学
2015.08-至今 东北大学秦皇岛分校
2017年 本科生毕业论文优秀指导教师
2017年 河北省统计科学技术进步奖获得者
2019年 河北省三三三人才计划第三层次
2019年 东北大学秦皇岛分校第九届教师课堂教学竞赛一等奖获得者
2020年 秦皇岛市高校青年教师讲课比赛理科组一等奖获得者
2020年 河北省青年教师讲课竞赛理科组二等奖获得者
本人坚持从事生物信息学、统计模式识别理论与应用等方面的研究,重点对基因组功能位点识别问题中生物大分子的特征表示方法进行了探讨,形成了一套行之有效的预测模型构建和分析检验方法,近五年在《Journal of Theoretical Biology》、《Genomics》、《Genes》等生物信息学领域国际知名学术期刊发表与本申请项目相关的SCI检索论文8篇,其中ESI高被引1篇,被Web of Science 核心合集期刊累计引用69次,并完成国家自然科学基金项目和中央高校基本科研业务费国家项目培育种子基金项目各1项。项目申请人提出名为“iRSpot-ADPM”和“iRSpot-PDI”的DNA重组热点识别方法。该方法利用统计学知识基于核苷酸二联体DNA性质从不同角度设计反映核苷酸空间结构长程关联效应的DNA序列编码机制,在此基础上对DNA重组热点进行了识别,预测准确率达到国际领先水平,为DNA重组热点的进一步研究提供帮助。
1.Lichao Zhang, Zihong Huang, Liang Kong. CSBPI_Site:Multi-Information Sources of Features to RNA Binding Sites Prediction. Accept.
2.Liang Kong, Lingfu Kong, Changwu Wang, Rong Jing, Lichao Zhang. Predicting protein structural class for low-similarity sequences via novel evolutionary modes of PseAAC and recursive feature elimination. Letters in Organic Chemistry, 2017,14(9):673-683.(SCI)
3.Lichao Zhang, Liang Kong. A novel amino acid properties selection method for protein fold classification. Protein & Peptide Letters, 2020,27(4):278-294. (SCI)
4.Lichao Zhang*, Liang Kong. iRSpot-ADPM: Identify recombination spots by incorporating the associated dinucleotide product model into Chou's pseudo components. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2018,441(14):1-8. (SCI)
5.Lichao Zhang*, Liang Kong. iRSpot-PDI: Identification of recombination spots by incorporating dinucleotide property diversity information into Chou's pseudo components. Genomics, 2019, 111(3): 457-464. (SCI)
6.Lichao Zhang, Liang Kong, Xiaodong Han, Jinfeng Lv. Structural class prediction of protein using novel feature extraction method from chaos game representation of predicted secondary structure. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 400 (2016): 1-10. (SCI)
7.Lichao Zhang, Xiqiang Zhao, Liang Kong. Predict protein structural class for low-similarity sequences by evolutionary difference information into the general form of Chou's pseudo amino acid composition. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 355 (2014): 105-110. (SCI)
8.Lichao Zhang, Xiqiang Zhao, Liang Kong. A novel predictor for protein structural class based on integrated information of the secondary structure sequence. Biochimie, 2014, (103):131-136. (SCI)
9.Liang Kong, Lichao Zhang*, Jinfeng Lv. Accurate prediction of protein structural classes by incorporating predicted secondary structure information into the general form of Chou's pseudo amino acid composition. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 344 (2014): 12-18. (SCI)
10. Liang Kong, Lichao Zhang*. Novel structure-driven features for accurate prediction of protein structural class. Genomics, 2014, 103(4): 292-297. (SCI)
11.Lichao Zhang, Xiqiang Zhao, Liang Kong. A protein structural class prediction method based on novel features. Biochimie, 2013, 95(9):1741- 1744. (SCI)
12.Xiqiang Zhao, Shuxia Liu, Lichao Zhang. An integrative method of mining genes related to complex disease like Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma with mRNA microarray data. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2013,40(10): 242-258 (EI)
贝叶斯统计 高等数学 概率论与数理统计 应用统计案例选讲