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日期:2021年09月08日 10:10来源: 作者: 关注:










2015年7月2019年12月:东北大学秦皇岛分校 讲师

2020年1月至今:东北大学秦皇岛分校 副教授


IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers),美国电子电气工程师协会会员;

担任《Human and Ecological Risk Assessment》、《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》和《Energy policy》等SSCI、SCI检索期刊审稿专家。










[1]TONG Xin,CHEN Kai. Correlation Analysis of Carbon Emission and Influence Factor in China,The 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2014(6)。(EI检索:20143218039240)。

[2]TONG Xin,CHEN Kai,LI Xuesen.. Spatial Low Carbon Econometric Development of China Provincials in the view of International Trade,The 27th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2015(5)。(EI检索:15341350)。

[3]佟昕,陈凯. 国际贸易与碳排放的空间维度溢出. 经济管理,2014(11):14-24。(CSSCI检索)

[4]陈凯,佟昕.中国碳排放强度与影响因素的灰色关联分析, 技术经济与管理研究,2014(11):9-12。(CSSCI检索)

[5]佟昕,陈凯. 中国碳排放影响因素分析和趋势预测. 《东北大学学报》(自然科学版),2015(2):297-300。(EI检索:20151200672487)

[6]佟昕,陈凯. 中国碳排放与影响因素的实证研究. 工业技术经济,2015(3):66-78。(中文核心期刊)

[7]佟昕,李学森,佟琳. ERP系统:企业会计的机遇与挑战[J]. 中国经贸,2014(12):152-153。

[8]佟昕. 中小企业实施知识管理策略探讨, 科技成果纵横, 2009(9):37-40。

[9]佟昕,陈凯. 区域经济创新系统中的知识管理研究, 科技进步与对策,2012(7)。

[10]王兵,佟昕. 低碳经济下的中国低碳会计发展, 科技成果纵横,2012(8):44-46。

[11]佟昕,李学森. 环境会计和低碳会计问题新思考, 中国外资,2013(11):68-70。

[12]佟昕,李学森. 我国财务软件发展现状与展望, 中国电子商务,2013(2):60-61。

[13]齐亮,佟昕. 信息化视域下高校图书馆的创新管理研究, 兰台世界,2014(7):86-87。(中文核心期刊)

[14]TONG Xin,CHEN Kai.. The development of solar energy industry. 第三届中国能源科学家论坛,2011,北京。

[15]曹洪刚,佟昕,陈凯.中国碳排放影响因素实证研究-基于2000~2011年省际面板数据的研究,工业技术经济,2015(11):84-96。 (中文核心期刊)

[16]曹洪刚,陈凯,佟昕. 中国省域碳排放的空间溢出与影响因素研究,《东北大学学报》(社会科学版),2015(11):573-586。(CSSCI检索)

[17]TONG Xin,CHEN Kai. Empirical study on Spatial Spillover of provincial carbon emissions and influencing factors in China,The 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2016(6)。(EI检索:16210425)

[18]TONG Xin,CHEN Kai. An Empirical Analysis on Carbon Emission and Economic Growth in Liaoning,The 28th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2016(6)。(EI检索:16210373)

[19]佟昕,李学森,佟琳. 中国碳排放空间格局的时空演化-基于动态演化及空间集聚的视域. 东北大学学报(自然科学版),2016(11):1668-1672。(EI检索:2017070703354141)

[20]佟昕,李学森. 区域碳排放和减排路径文献前沿理论综述,经济问题探索,2017(1):169-176。(CSSCI检索)

[21]TONG Xin,LI Xuesen. Gray Correlative Empirical Research on Carbon Emissions and Influencing Factors in Hebei Province,The 29th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2017(6)。(EI检索:17040909)

[22]TONG Xin,Wu Yuming, LI Xuesen. An Empirical Study on Spatial Spillover of Carbon Emissions and Financial Development based on Provinces Data and Spatial Panel Econometrics Model,The 29th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2017(6)。(EI检索:17041148)

[23]佟昕. 我国区域碳排放的收敛性研究,东北大学学报(社会科学版),2017,19(4):364-370。(CSSCI检索)

[24]佟昕,李学森,佟琳. 经济发展新常态下高校教师在教育教学实践中提升教师职业道德修养问题研究,教育现代化,2017(9):114-116。

[25]TONG Xin,LI Xuesen. Correlation Analysis of Haze Governance Influencing Factors and Regulation Mechanism in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region,The 30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2018(6)。(EI检索:17897541)

[26]TONG Xin,LI Xuesen. How Can Industrial Structure Affect Carbon Emissions: Facilitating or Inhibiting? Research Based on Spatial Panel Econometric Models: Direct Effects and Spatial Spillover,The 30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2018(6)。(EI检索:17897918)

[27]佟昕,李学森,佟琳. 新时代视域下会计专业双语教学体系研究,教育现代化,2018(5):108-110。

[28]佟昕,张澜馨,李学森,佟琳. “营改增”政策对我国现代化服务业的影响研究——以旅游业为例,中国商论,2018(10):004-005。

[29]TONG Xin,LI Xuesen, TONG Lin, LIU Peigang. An Empirical Study of Chinese Haze and Influencing Factors Grey Correlation Analysis of 30 Provinces in China between 2000 and 2015. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2018(9):75-86。

[30]TONG Xin,LI Xuesen. Spatial Spillover and the Influencing Factors Relating to Provincial Carbon Emissions in China Based on the Spatial Panel Data Model,Sustainability,2018(12)。(SCI、SSCI检索)

[31]TONG Xin,LI Xuesen. Research of Spatial and Temporal Evolution Mechanism and Countermeasures of Haze Spatial Pattern in China:Visual Field based on Dynamic Evolution and Spatial Agglomeration,Advances in Meteorology,2019(3)。(SCI、SSCI检索)

[32]TONG Xin. Spation – temporal Evolution Pattern and Influential Factor of Regional Carbon Emissions Convergence in China,Advances in Meteorology,2020(3)。(SCI、SSCI检索)

[33]TONG Xin, LI Xuesen, TONG Lin. Relationships Between the Industrial Upgrading and Influencing factors in Liaoning: Gray Correlation Econometric Method,The 32th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2020(6)。(EI检索)

[34]TONG Xin, LI Xuesen, TONG Lin. Study on the Decoupling Relationship of Hebei Province's Economic Growth and Haze Pollution Intensity,The 32th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2020(6)。(EI检索)

[35]Xin TONG, Xuesen LI, Lin Tong. Study on the Decoupling Relationship between Economic Growth and Ecological Environment in Tianjin,The 33th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2021(6)。(EI检索)

[36] Xin TONG, Xuesen LI, Lin Tong. Research on the Application of Blockchain Technology in the Collaborative Governance of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Ecological Environment,The 33th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,2021(6)。(EI检索)


1.佟昕著. 中国区域碳排放差异及减排路径研究, 经济科学出版社, 2016.


1.佟昕. 中国区域碳排放差异及减排路径研究,秦皇岛市第九届社会科学优秀成果二等奖,2018.

2.TONG Xin, LI Xuesen,TONG Lin. Research of Spatial and Temporal Evolution Mechanism and Countermeasures of Haze Spatial Pattern in China:Visual Field based on Dynamic Evolution and Spatial Agglomeration秦皇岛市第十届社会科学优秀成果三等奖,2021.

3. 2017年度东北大学本科评估先进个人

4. 2018年度东北大学秦皇岛分校工会先进个人






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